Can Rabbits Have Blackberries?

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Many owners worry about their furry friends’ diets and may wonder if they can safely feed their pet rabbit blackberries a sweet treat. You may have even heard of many wild rabbits eating blackberries. So, can rabbits have blackberries and will they make your rabbit sick?

Table of Contents

Some juicy wild blackberries

It’s All About Moderation

The answer is yes, rabbits can eat blackberries. However, when it comes to rabbit nutrition in general, all owners should remember that moderation is key. Blackberries can be an ideal snack for rabbits, as long as they’re not overfed with them. Rabbits require hay and a balanced diet to stay healthy, so it’s important that they get the other necessary nutrients in addition to treats like blackberries.

Rabbits love the sweet taste of blackberries and enjoy snacking on them from time to time. Pet owners should note that too many blackberries can cause digestive difficulty in bunnies, so it’s important to keep up with proper diet requirements. If rabbits overeat blackberries or any other type of treat, this could lead to uncomfortable stomach issues like bloating or diarrhea. Wild rabbits eat blackberries, however they are able to graze on a broad range and don’t rely on their owner to provide their food.

Limit Bunny Snacking

In order to make sure your rabbit stays healthy and happy, you should definitely limit their snacks to once or twice a week depending on other foods they may be eating. You should always take your rabbit’s overall diet into consideration. While blackberries provide a tasty treat full of antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals —they still have some sugar content and can cause body weight gain if overfed, as well as causing problems with your rabbit’s teeth.

Nutritional Value of Blackberries per 100 grams:

Energy180 kJ (43 kcal)
Carbohydrates9.61 g
Sugars4.88 g
Dietary fiber5.3 g
Fat0.49 g
Protein1.39 g
Source: Wikipedia

Besides being a delicious occasional snack option for rabbits, there are several other benefits of feeding them this fruit from time-to-time; it helps strengthen their immune system, improves vision health and even makes for more social behavior! They also contain some of the most potent antioxidants. As long as owners make sure their pet rabbits do not eat too many at once though – blackberries are perfectly safe for rabbits when eaten in moderation!

How Many Blackberries Can I Serve My Pet Rabbit?

Often, people think of blackberries as being unhealthy for rabbits because they have too much sugar content. However, in moderation, a few ripe blackberries can actually give your pet rabbit a delicious treat that is also loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients. In fact, many vets recommend no more than one or two blackberries once or twice per week as part of your rabbit’s diet.

As part of your pet’s overall diet, sweet fruit treats like blackberries, and vegetables should make up no more than 5% of their diet. Around 90% of a rabbit’s diet should come from good quality hay such as Timothy hay or Lucerne hay which provide fiber and other essential nutrients that rabbits need to stay healthy. The other %5 can come from leafy greens, like carrot tops and kale.

So if you’re wondering how many blackberries you should feed your pet rabbit – the answer is not too many! A treat once or twice per week will provide your furry friend with some nutritional benefits while still maintaining a balanced diet filled with plenty of hay.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Blackberries?

No, your baby rabbit should not be fed blackberries. Baby bunnies have a stomach acidity that is finely tuned to their mother’s milk, and they cannot eat the same foods that an adult rabbit can eat. Baby rabbits digestive systems are not matured until at least 12 weeks of age.

Baby Rabbits
Rabbits eat blackberries quite happily

What Types of Blackberries Can Rabbits Eat?

Can rabbits eat frozen blackberries? Yes, although you should allow them to fully thaw out before feeding them to your bunny. What about feeding your bunnies dried blackberries? During the drying process, the sugar become concentrated, and some brands add additional sugar, so we do not recommend feeding dried blackberries or any other dried fruit to your rabbit. Generally, you are much safer feeding fresh blackberries if possible.

Can Rabbits Eat Blackberry Leaves

You can feed your pet rabbit blackberries, but can rabbits eat blackberry leaves? After all, they are thorny. The definitive answer is yes, blackberry leaves are fine addition to your rabbit’s diet – rabbits eat the thorns with ease, and they can make a nice treat for them without any effect on your rabbit’s digestive system. Rabbits eat blackberry plants quite happily, though they are much less interest in the woody parts.

A blackberry bush
A wild blackberry bush with fruit full of vitamins and minerals, soluble and insoluble fibers.

Rabbits Can Have Blackberries

We hope you found this post informative if you were wondering “can rabbits have blackberries?” The definitely answer is absolutely yes, you can feed your rabbits blackberries! Introducing blackberries to your rabbit’s diet can be beneficial when done in moderation. Remember though that only mature rabbits can eat them. However, if you notice any change in behavior when you let your rabbit eat blackberries, you should stop feeding them immediately and monitor them closely.

If you’d like more information about rabbit nutrition or any other topics related to your bunny friend—please take a look around our site!



Hi, I'm Samantha! I've been keeping bunnies as pets since I was a child and am passionate about sharing my knowledge with other bunny parents. Having personally dealt with every kind of rabbit-related issue imaginable, I know how vital it is to give your furry friend proper nutrition and care. I want to ensure that all rabbit owners are informed about how to keep their bunnies healthy and happy. I consider myself a sort of bunny ambassador, making sure that the safety and wellbeing of these amazing pets is put first! I am a firm believer that knowledge is power, which is why I strive each day to share my expertise with as many people as possible. From nutritional advice to grooming tips, I have it all! If you are looking for help in taking care of your precious pet rabbit, then look no further.